Neura Heat Pumps

Here to help you

NEURA parts

We are here to help you with your Neura Heat Pump issues, concerns, problems and spare parts.

About us

Your peace of mind

As the new M-TEC distributor for the UK we work with M-TEC Austria on a regular basis. This gives us access to all Neura Heat Pumps spare parts, software updates, tech info and modifications.

As a previous installation company we have years of experience dealing with technical issues, repairs and maintenance, so we know how important it is to have a reliable supply of technical info and parts.

Spare parts

Wide range of parts available

We have a wide range of spare parts available for all of the Neura Heat pumps within the range.

We are not only able to offer spare parts but we can also offer upgrades and software updates.

Neura table fan
Neura circuitboard
Neura pump

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Get in touch with us

Contact us for assistance or parts for your Neura Heat Pump